Breast implant removal in San Antonio, TX, may be desired or necessary for various reasons, including capsular contracture (hard, painful scarring around the implant), malposition (one breast sitting higher or lower than the other), the need to replace older or ruptured implants and other health or aesthetic concerns. Additionally, women experiencing breast implant illness, a range of symptoms linked to implants, or those wishing to return to their natural size, may also seek removal.
The surgeon carefully removes the implants during the procedure, typically using previous incisions, and removes any surrounding scar tissue or capsules, if necessary.
Patients can return home on the same day, with adult supervision. The surgery duration varies based on individual circumstances and whether a thick capsule needs removal. Sutures used are self-dissolving, eliminating the need for stitch removal.
Post-surgery, a compression garment is worn for approximately six weeks, and drains, if required, are typically removed after one week. It's advisable to avoid underwire bras until advised otherwise by the surgeon.